To begin with you need to write your main ideas for the story.
What is your story about?
Why is it so interesting?
Where is the location?
What time of day does it begin?
What will be the most dramatic part?
Are any of your friends involved?
Phase 2
Middle- add bumps along the way that make the character rise to the challenge. (Examples: selling their house, finding a place to sit at lunch, an argument). Keep bringing on the action.
The darkest moment- this is the moment where it looks like your character is not going to achieve their goal or learn their lesson. It happens sometimes after failing to overcome the biggest hurdle (see below) or when first realizing what the hurdle is.
The biggest hurdle- this is the moment of the greatest conflict. it is the point in the story when your character has to deal with or overcome the big problem that you set up at the beginning or middle of the story.
End- the conflict is solved. Your character either gets what she/he wants or doesn't. Whatever the case is, your character has changed or learned. Remember: Your ending is always in your beginning. (Examples: two families are better than one, a true friend forever)
Introduce all your characters. Describe what they look like, how they move and include something unique - perhaps what they sound like. You will use these descriptions as your characters start to get involved in the story.
Phase 3 (Writing in more detail)
Writing the Story:
Beginning- introduce the problem. What does your character want...or not want? What is in his or her way? What troubles him? Or start out with something that brings the reader 'into' the book: something that makes the reader read further. (Examples: a coming event, a national spelling bee, an exciting street happening).
Middle- add bumps along the way that make the character rise to the challenge. (Examples: selling their house, finding a place to sit at lunch, an argument). Keep bringing on the action.
The darkest moment- this is the moment where it looks like your character is not going to achieve their goal or learn their lesson. It happens sometimes after failing to overcome the biggest hurdle (see below) or when first realizing what the hurdle is.
The biggest hurdle- this is the moment of the greatest conflict. it is the point in the story when your character has to deal with or overcome the big problem that you set up at the beginning or middle of the story.
End- the conflict is solved. Your character either gets what she/he wants or doesn't. Whatever the case is, your character has changed or learned. Remember: Your ending is always in your beginning. (Examples: two families are better than one, a true friend forever)
Remember that all stories have a beginning, middle and ending
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